Coping With The Season (a non-traditional post)

Hi there, Everyone;
You know how much I love meetings weddings and event planning. In the process of event planning there is always a talk about the “Decor”. How to make the venue look better than it does. How not to spend your entire budget on decor items. Here are some thoughts to help you cope with the season.
Start thinking now what you would like to have your house look like. Items will go on sale (super low prices) Pick a theme and stick to it.
The best prices are the day after Christmas for Christmas items, for other holidays it is the day after that holiday.
Pick out your Christmas Card and print out the labels, put them on the envelopes and all you’ll have to do next year is add the new friend and sentiments. They are ready for mailing. I usually do this while watching all those great Christmas movies.
Find the ribbon and paper for presents so they will all match under the dress. It all looks so beautiful when the presents work with the theme of the tree and decor.
Relax, throw away or give away anything you will not be using next year. When your putting away things for next year, is a great time to clean out things for the next year. Keeping what you will use.
Some people think this is a cheap way of doing things or not on trend, however this is the way I look at at it. Many of the Holiday Patterns repeat themselves, therefore you'll still be on trend. I also found it as a way of keeping my home looking like a beautiful at a price I could afford. Maybe it's my way of being. Maybe it's all the years helping others. Maybe, i just hate things going to waste, I'm okay with myself finding the best pricing on things. Cost doesn't always equal quality. I even enjoying purchasing designer item at their best price. Think what you probably doesn't have anything to do with the reality of who I am.

Wishing you the best Holiday Season Ever!