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Back to School Back to Work

I have often thought about what Gratitude is perceived as. Why do we limit ourselves to thinking of things only by the standards imposed...

Creme of Life
I guess if you were to ask me to explain the Holidays I would describe it as creme. Definition of creme:1 : a sweet liqueur. 2 : cream or...

What is winter really about? Have you ever question what holiday cheer is? Day 15 of blogmas and a few words.

The Fluff of Life
Looking at this world of technology and covid as if they are related? Who knows what we are capable of achieving. How great is it to...

Winters Cold
This is Day 7 of Blogmas and I was painting an landscape today from a scene I saw and captured in my camera on my phone. As I was...

Travel advice on an app that is important to have for traveling.

Magic of The Holiday
Magic defined as the power to control natural forces possessed by certain persons. The art or skill of performing tricks or illusions for...

What Will 2021 Look Like
It is a scary thought to me that we will never know the depths of the impact Covid19 has had on the lives of Americans. We won't know for...