Meeting The Needs of Your Attendees At Confrences

You are planning a conference and thinking about doing it yourself. My first "bit of advice" Don't. The reason I say this is due to trends changing so fast that if you don't create a conference correctly or within what people want you mights just ruin the goals your business started off to achieve.
Figure out the goals of your business and the main message you want people to take with them.
Set three to five goals your business would like to accomplish. You've heard of the rule "keep it simple". Make the goals achievable and measurable.
Hire a professional conference planner to brainstorm with you on ideas, cost and implementation of your business conference need. (I would tell you that I want your business, but I won't I do have some great referrals for you. If your looking for someone to plan your conference of more than 250 people.)
Know how much your budget is and set a goal for how much money you'll need to have your goals achieved.
Currently, you'll want to make your break out sessions for food. Safe zone. Where the talking and socialize is done in a manner that people feel safe. This has to do with Covid19 and all the things that frighten people.
Make lots of small breakout sessions with flexibility for choosing the sessions for on-line or in person.
Consider a conference app where people can pre-register the breakout sessions allowing planners the ability to re-arrange the rooms for the number of attendees in the class. Sometimes the class you think will be the most popular isn't.
Educate. "Educate the attendees on what it is your thing to achieve and what the conference or your business is about.
Reminder to have quiet places for attendees also known as "safe zones". Some people are allowing medical professions to be there to help attendees if needed. Most of the time the attendee just needs a quiet place to be themselves. Too much noise or conferences that are loud can sometimes be overwhelming.

If you read this and would like assistance finding the right planner for you. Book and appointment and we will help.
MK Pure Diamond Events plans:
Board Meetings
Small Confrences of 250 people or less.
Teaching Sessions for Business