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2023-2024 Business Meetings

With so many things happening in the world with the Olympics and the Elections in 2024, it will be a happening world in social. This got me thinking about what that brings to business meetings. I decide d it depends on the business.

To some businesses it will energize them, they live for the hype. They like providing that kind of energy for people. If they follow political tics they will make it a theme year and get on board with their political candidate. Promoting their agenda to help their workplace. If they are about the Olympics they will do the same. It’s the corporation's way of growing their business.

However, for the small business person, it’s different. They are normally neither. The small business is more about the

small business and less about the hype. For a while social media had a hold of people helping them hype their small business and many went for it. Whereas, other businesses watched to see what social media really brought to their business.

Slowly the social media hype is fading and people are realizing placing an ad locally does the same thing. What is the difference between social media and advertising is now the question. I am still asking that question myself. Is going viral the best thing a small business can do for itself? What started as a form of communication between family and friends has over and over again proven that each app turns into the same thing. Another form of self-advertising or business.

What next?

2024 will prove businesses will have to take a stand and do what is right for themselves. Olympics or Politics or many of the other things around the world. Choose one and stand with it throughout the year. Build your platforms on social issues, green, and politicians that carry your agenda, guy rights, and equality, they are all social issues.

Due to the nature of my business, I try to stay informed about the equality rights that affect marriage. First, it was will equality allow all people to be married to their chosen mate? Then it was will the courts allow them to equally have the right to divorce. Do the same laws apply the same to all people? This is still being worked out in the courtroom. Due to what I like to call the human factor theory. We can comprehend what is experienced in the courts. Same-sex marriages are still new in the courts, therefore only time will tell if the divorce needs are the same or different than other couples. With some new laws created to help judges make things the same it is still early to know if it helped or hurt people.

Therefore, same-sex marriages are being worked on inequality. Corporations are testing the effects of social media on their corporation. The corporations that enjoy working with social media continue to use it in their business. What I am waiting to see if over time it will be the individual who applies to the corporation or if will it be the corporation that recruits the individuals.

In the meantime I suggest the rest of the business follow the norms of doing business I’m the United States or the country you live in since the laws of social media contracts keep changing with every update. It’s difficult for the average business person to keep up with.


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