Picnic for Two (February Month of Love) For under $40.00 Forty dollar.
Romance in the air for the Holiday should I name it? Valentines. What will I ever do with my date. I have a thought or two. I told you for a year I would plan events for under $40.00, yes if you don't understand numbers forty dollars.
The drive is so beautiful. Depending on the season you will see different things. In January you see snow on the mountian in the summer months you will see the beauty of the vinyard. It starts in February and the season runs until September. The photographs I took don't do the beauty justice. I have to say....I love the quiet beauty, the rolling hills and the peace in the vinyards.
I can't say I recommend one vineyard over the other. I do love being able to pack a picnic and sit and enjoy the pure beauty of the fields. This photograph might not look like much, by February...just wait, it's beautiful.
They go on for miles...the drive is filled with many diffeent places to stop and talk with people, meet their generousity of allowing you to have a picnic on thier property. Enjoy the hospitality of their land and the fruits of their labor. What a great way to spend time with someone you love. I personally like quit. I personally like working with people who are so kind they would allow me to take photographs of their property off season. I brought my own picnic not knowing where I would stop. I didn't plan it out. As you can see, my picnic included sanwhiches, lemonaide, desert and of course its "Valentine Celebration" so I had to include chocolates, it was all under forty dollors. I do reccommend you bring a table cover, the tables are rustic and the view is breath takingly beautiful.
However after speaking with some of the vineyards I discovered you can stop at "Baron's purchase delicious food and a bottle of their wine. (If you are 21 or older.) Enjoying an more spontaneous picnic.

Temecula has a section all it's own in the store with all the local vineyards. I must share with you I usually visit at least once a year. I have taken many of my brides there and referr them to other wedding planners if they choose to have their wedding planner do it. It is a place on my top 10 list of places worth visiting in San Diego County. I even when on a search of a bride that had her first date with her fiance on a wine tasting tour. They found a unique wine in the vineyard and couldn't remember which one. After visiting several vineyards, I found it. Between the google serches and the personal searches we were able to serve it on her wedding day.
There are several tour packages on line you can purchase. My person way is to be surprised with someone taking the time to plan a picnic and find a location to spend time together. Again remember you are visiting someones land, sometimes their home, please be respectful. You can purchased by the glass, or bottle in their vineyard.
Also remember this is not an ad for alcoholic beverage, nor is it a recommendation to drink alcohol and drive. Please be smart about your choices and don't drink and drive.
Photographs taken by Maria Kamon and are property of Maria Kamon Photography. Thank you to Hart Winery for allowing me to photograph today at their vineyard. I appreciate your hospitality and kindness. If you are planning on stopping at his vineyard and would like a tour please make sure to call and make an appointment.
Like it is said at Harts, thank you for visiting leave your glasses here.