Countdown to New Year's Eve (What Shall I Wear?)
There is something amazing to me, when I look for something becasue in the quiet voice I hear a calling, or a vision. I laugh at the thought of it being a vision because it isn't what I normally think of as a vision. OMG a while back I kept seeing people in formals and the woman having a formal man inside. I know it sounds weird, almost crazy like. I think it was an old movie. The image was was small. Not being a movie star I can't act out the male female role or that dalmation role Cruilla where is is split in half (Black & White). It wasn't what I really saw. I photoshop a photograph and posted it to see if any of my bridal friends were doing anything with woman flying through the air. Yes, again it sounds crazy, however non of my brides, grooms or bridal shops I had been to where doing anything so over the top.
Until this season...Fornal wear. I found it! I took photographs and now can ask all the people who I know to forgive me if I insulted them by the questions I asked.
The two dresses here are perfect for the New Year's Dance or two. They are perfect New Year's Eve formal wear and yes as you can see by the photograph the store has them displayed in the air. Then they have manicans on the ground. Therefore, in my mind it looked like one going into another. The humor of faith. The challege to find the perfect dress.
Here is a black and white dress that is simplistic, however on the righ woman it looks very glamous and appropriate for any formal event.

There is a beauty to a woman dress in a beatiful gown. This white dress is perfect for the holidays with its v neck an short sleeves. It's midrif gems would allow a woman to look tall and lean.
This black and white 3/4 length dress is one of my favorites. It has a ribbon tie in the back and it is very feminine. How pretty any woman would look.
Of all the dresses I looked at this was the prize winner. It is glamous enough for New Years Eve, with a classic color. Overall, it would have be much eaier if the clothing store/botique would have just sent me an invitation via USPS or email ( to write a blog about them. It wouldn't have taken me as long. It's more important to know that you are at the right place at the right time. Please note the for those looking for bridesmaids dresses this just might be the store. It has trendy dresses just under two hundred dollars. Therefore, it won't affect the budget of your girls two much. One the plus side they are dresses you can wear more than once.
As for a dresses for Mother of the Brides I would only recommend this store if you are a slim or skinny woman. The dresses are more in the young woman, then woman sizes. Their pricing is very good for formal wear.
All photographs taken by Maria Kamon Phtotography.
If you are interested in knowing what store this is and location please call MK Pure Diamond Events and book and appointment. Otherwise its confidential.
Thank you to all the clothing designers, formal wear designers, wedding designers who believe in sending me written invitations. I love looking at and writing about the new trends. Feel free to continue to do so. I look forward to what 2016 brings.