Table Scapes
Have you ever just really looked at a table. In and of itself it could be beautiful, lovely, or just plain ugly. I laugh when I work with couples on this part because it is one of the funnest part of my wedding planning business and one of the most complex. It sets the mood for the day.
Is there a place on the table for flowers? Will they be tall, short, meduim size? Will my guest be able to see each other? Talk with each other? Do I want them to? Am I a person who like an ornate look or a more simplistic look. Do I want Gold, Siver, Platuim or Copper placesettings? How do I want my wedding table to look and feel?

Are we a couple that want a Mr. & Mrs. table or are we more of a casual less formal type person who what to sit with our guest?

Banquet style can appeal to some people, this couple has a sence of humor, they put a can on the tables and a tree in sack cloth for their guest. What type of gifts will you be giving and do you want them on the table or will they be given to each guest as they enter the reception.

Modern, sheck, elegant, tables designed for your guest to have a smaller groups to talk with then the traditional tables of round of 10. What is your style? Whatever it is MK Pure Diamond Events can help you design your table scape and your wedding day.