elyse Reuben Fashion
Hi there,
How great is it when you get asked to do something you don't normally get to do? I guess that is what happehttp://www.elysereuben.com/new-york-fashion-week/ns when you reach an age where you have been in the event business long enough to help others. That's where I'm at. They young can take it as if they get some old person out of the way and use her or they can look at it as she is going to help me succeed. Not really having any responsibility to attend events or not to attend I have taken up the art of photography. An art I practiced for many years after college taking endless pictures of football games, landscape, children and other things I enjoy.
How fun it was to try to catch a model in perfect pose. Young hopeful and in original gowns, elyse Reuben fashions are worth any bride taking the time to make an appointment and try on. I didn't have a chance to speak with elyse Reuben after the fashion show to ask how a bride to be would go about making an appoint. I didn't have fun taking pictures of her dresses and models. Here are a few of them. You can see more on http://www.instagram.com/mkpde