Christmas Day
We gather around the table trying to not make a mistake. Perfection is the desired goal of every Christmas Day! I just hope for the best...

There are 26 days in the Advent Calendar
THIS IS BLOGMAS! Under Blogmas rules there are 25 days in Blogmas. I think this is done to allow those that pray the Advent prayers to...

Planning for a Future
There are so many things I's like to say. In event planning the future your planning for is the day of your event. If I could share any...

Unexpected Joys
Sometimes in live you find these little glimpses of hope. An unexpected moment that softens the hearts of man. You see humans by nature...

Blogmas vs Vlogmas Sunday Review
The competition is high as I look for the best vlogs to watch. I have my favorites personally. Then I have those I enjoy watching the...

Creating Your Best
Something people don't know about me is I love this time off year. I have always taken the month off since I began this business in 2003....

Winters Cold
This is Day 7 of Blogmas and I was painting an landscape today from a scene I saw and captured in my camera on my phone. As I was...

Magic of The Holiday
Magic defined as the power to control natural forces possessed by certain persons. The art or skill of performing tricks or illusions for...

What is the meaning of Holidays? I ask myself. The joy the singing, the good cheer. Someone asked it's an apartment HOLIDAY. I ask,...

Getting Ready For The Party
Much to do about nothing. How I use to get stressed out for the Holidays! What planning events have taught me. When, What, Why and How I...